Friday, May 16, 2008

We are back

I am finally able to post after a wonderful trip down to North Carolina. We went down there for my cousins wedding and for Emma to be baptised. It was a wonderful week once we got down there. We had decided to split our trip up by first stopping in at my dads. It was a 9 hour trip to his house which Emma did not like at all. By the time we got there she wanted nothing to do with her carseat. It was great to see all of them. Emma really loves to see her Grandpa. The teenage girls were even there to see Emma so that shows how much they must like her.

After spending the night at my dads we went to see Pamala for the night. She was going to keep Emma friday night so we could have an adult night. It was really nice to be able to spend the evening with just adults but by the end of the night I just wanted to hold my little girl. That was Emma's first night away from mommy and I was told she did excellent which is great news since she will be going to Daycare starting the 27th. On Friday I was finally able to meet the new addition to the Comeaux clan, Miss Amelia. It was so exciting to get to see her. I think she looks nothing like her older sister but I am the only one that feels that way. I was also excited to see Julie. She has grown so much since the last time I saw her. She is now saying Melanie instead of Mel Mel which just shocked me. I was so happy to see everyone in my family because I haven't seen any of them since November. I wish all of them lived closer to us. On Saturday we went to pick Emma up and to see Holly and Gage and meet Stephanie. We were very excited to see them all. I really wish we could have seen them longer but we just had such a busy weekend.

We came back to Burlington and met up with everyone at a park that we all loved as children. We have also decided that is where Emma's birthday party will be. Emma had such a great time with everyone there but I think the carousel scared her. She cried the second time we put her on there. Later on we went to Laurens wedding which was wonderful. On Sunday we baptised Emma at the same church that I was baptised at. She did such a wonderful job. I was worried she might cry when he poured that water on her head but she was fine with it. I should have known she would have been because she is a very mellow baby. She only cries when she is exhausted or hungry and thats it. I am so blessed to have her. Hopefully my second child will be just as good. lets all hope.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Update on us!

Yesterday Emma got her helmet which she is still getting use to. Its really hard to put on but I am sure after plenty of practice I will be a pro at it. Once it is on her she doesn't seem to mind it which is what I was really worried about. she just continues to play. While we were at the doctors office she hit her head on the table when leaning to far back while wearing the helmet. I guess she thought it was cool that it didn't hurt so she did it two more times. Silly baby.

This weekend Emma said her first word. It was dada. He was so proud of her and almost cried when she said it to him. Now when he is not home she goes dada dada all day long pretty much. Its very cute. I can tell she is turning into a daddy's girl

Some exciting news for me is that I have a job. I start Monday the 19th for a company named Americall. Its not my dream job but its something different for me. So wish me luck. I think that is all I have to report today.