Sunday, September 28, 2008

weekend update

Well to be honest we didn't do much of anything this weekend. Dale had to take someone to Chicago on Friday and didn't get back home until 10. So emma and I decided to watch a movie that we rented while he was gone. Emma got through maybe 5 minutes of it before falling asleep.
Saturday Emma and i went to healthy happy family day here in town where they had healthy food and some things going on but unfortunately I didn't make it too long. I started having intense cramps and a lot of pain but what we saw was very neat. They had different venues showing healthy choices you and your family can make and did different fun exercises with children. When Dale got home I had him watch Emma so that i could lay down to help the pain I was having but no such luck. For the past 2 weeks i have been having these pains and they are pretty constant and more intense when i am on my feet. I have a doctors appointment this week so we will see what happens. We also watched some football. I got to see LSU win again. Yay! But unfortunately my favorite team did not win.
Today we went to a costume store to get emma a costume for halloween. She is going to be a baby bug. it is so cute. We wanted her to be raggedy ann but we couldn't find the costume. Then we came home and watched some football again. Carolina won of course. lol. Dale went against them this week in his company's pool he is in.
Emma is now mostly walking she will only crawl when she needs to get somewhere fast. Like she likes to eat the dogs food so if the gate to the kitchen is open she will speed crawl to that food. I think its just a way to mess with mommy. But other than things like that she is walking everywhere and is proud of it. I really wish my camera was working so i could tape her walking b/c she just gives this big smile as she is coming to you. Also she loves my belly now. If i am laying down my shirt has to be up so she can look and rub my belly. its so cute. Other than that we had a pretty lazy weekend which is good b/c we are very busy this coming up week.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I think I told some of you that about a month ago we had to rush emma to the ER b/c she had a horrible allergy attack. She looked like she had a sunburn from head to toe and her eyes and ears were swollen. Well they weren't able to tell us what caused the attack. Today I was drinking a glass of milk which usually i only drink in the kitchen and keep it on the counter where she can't get it well I wasn't thinking tonight and she took my cup and took a big sip of it apparently. Most of it went on the table so we didn't think she had gotten any. When I was putting her down to bed Dale said her eye was swollen and I lifted her up and her face was bright red. so we gave her benadryl. So now we know that whatever she had that day we took her to the ER had milk in it. Her allergies are so scary and I don't want other people watching her b/c of them. I know most people will be cautious but look even her own mommy slipped up. But all is well now. she is passed out.

Its been awhile

Sorry i haven't been on here in a long time. I have been extremely tired from pregnancy and chasing a one year old around. We are now a part of a playgroup that we do things with a couple times a week. its so much fun to have adult conversations with people and emma and enjoys hanging out with all of the kids. Today we went for the final cook the group will be having for the summer. It was so much fun. I think there were about 20 people there.
Emma is starting to do so much. She loves to walk and although she is not great at it yet she prefers walking over crawling. Its so cute to watch. I have been wanting to take a video but my camera is broken. It is killing me to not take pictures. She is also talking up a storm these days. I don't know what she is saying 90% of the time but its still cute. We have been doing people's names with her and so far she can say grif, mimi, and gage. if she is in a good mood she will go around saying grif or as she says it gif.
As for baby Lillian she is doing great. I have been having some issues but still nothing compared to the problems I had while pregnant with Emma. Sorry i have no pictures but hopefully my camera will work soon. if not i will be taking it in.