Monday, April 21, 2008

hi all!

Well we all had a pretty good weekend after a long week. Last week Emma and I had doctors appointments everyday but Thursday. We both have allergies so we had to go to our primary doctors to get a referal to see the allergist. I also got a mole removed. It was actually more painful than I remember it to be but I think it was just the location. After all of these appointments we were ready for a break.

On Friday we went to our friends house to cook out. I realized I didn't get enough formula for Emma so I had to go home to get it. We live 20 minutes from them. By the time I got back Emma was screaming. Apparently she had been crying the whole time. As soon as I picked her up she was fine so I think she is going through seperation anxiety. Poor little girl. It couldn't come at a worse time since I am going back to work in a month. On Sunday we went to the park and let her swing on the swing. I think she was a little scared at first but was smiling and laughing by the time we got her out. The wind is horrible here sometimes so we couldn't stay very long. The sand was blowing in all of our eyes.

There isn't much else to report except Emma has her second tooth in. Hope you all have a great week.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Emma has a tooth!!!

We are so excited about Emma's first tooth. It came in on April the 7th. I had no idea she was teething either because she wasn't fussy or anything. The only thing that I noticed was that she was having a hard time sleeping. Now she is into bitting on everything especially mommy and daddy's fingers.
She is now also sitting up like a pro. She can even reach out to get something and sit back up. She is growing too fast. She likes to play with anything in site and gets upset if she can't reach it. Her favorite toy is mommy's phone so if you get a call from me and no one says anything Emma probably called.
Today she had her appointment with the neurologist who told us she does need a helmet and its actually a pretty bad case. So we went today to get a scan of her head so they can get the helmet ready for it. She was such a great baby there did not get mad at all which I was surprised about with everyone messing with her head. She will probably have her helmet by the time we come to NC in May. We got a pink one since we could pick our own design. We both think the design is adorable. I never realized how many designs there were for these helmets. They had a princess one, a pink one with butterflies and a bunch with cars on them. The one we got was pink camo so she matches daddy. Its cute I promise. She will have to wear this helmet for 3 months which to me seems like a long time but its better to get it done early.
Well that is all to report today. Sorry no pictures I am having a hard time getting any on this thing. love you all.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

its been awhile

I know it has been awhile since my last blog and I am very sorry about that. There has been many things that have happened since the last blog. Emma is now sitting up on her own unassisted for an average of 5 minutes. If we put her infront of the mirror she will do it longer. I guess she likes to look at herself. She is still not rolling over which is not a surprise for us but again if we put her looking at herself she will stay on her belly longer.
As many of you know Emma got an assessment done a few weeks ago. (Which is how we found out about using a mirror). They told us that she was averaging at a 4 months old level but I'm really not worried b/c children decide on their own when they want to do things. It seems to me that she just wants to skip rolling all together. They also told us they wouldn't be surprised if Emma never crawls because of her acid reflux and that she may start crawling early. Again, not a big surprise since both Dale and I started to walk early. He walked at 8 months and I walked at 10. The OT lady will be coming on the 9th to start her on the program they set her up on. We had to decide what we wanted her to be able to do in 6 months. One was play with toys in her mouth more (which she started doing the day after they left). Two to be either walking or crawling and third for her to be talking more. I think we will have no problems with any of those things.
Well that is all for today but I will be posting more soon. the computer is not letting me upload any pictures right now. sorry.