Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its been awhile

Sorry i haven't been on here in a long time. I have been extremely tired from pregnancy and chasing a one year old around. We are now a part of a playgroup that we do things with a couple times a week. its so much fun to have adult conversations with people and emma and enjoys hanging out with all of the kids. Today we went for the final cook the group will be having for the summer. It was so much fun. I think there were about 20 people there.
Emma is starting to do so much. She loves to walk and although she is not great at it yet she prefers walking over crawling. Its so cute to watch. I have been wanting to take a video but my camera is broken. It is killing me to not take pictures. She is also talking up a storm these days. I don't know what she is saying 90% of the time but its still cute. We have been doing people's names with her and so far she can say grif, mimi, and gage. if she is in a good mood she will go around saying grif or as she says it gif.
As for baby Lillian she is doing great. I have been having some issues but still nothing compared to the problems I had while pregnant with Emma. Sorry i have no pictures but hopefully my camera will work soon. if not i will be taking it in.

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